………..…….........Horizon Reaper..…………….................

contingency very clearly substantiated by very large scale ‘Act of God’ loss of life events providing very grave warning of global reaping on the horizon over the existence of nuclear weapons; most recently including a very explicit precedent for the origin and timing of the Covid Pandemic. That “very explicit precedent” was associated with a dramatic synchronistic manifestation witnessed by a Krishna Temple Master and his wife that was followed some two hours later by a direct manifestation of the Krishna Deity at this website author’s very first visit to a Krishna Temple, which apparently has happened only one time in the entire history of the earth.

Want to know what you see with when you are dreaming?……………and what that has to do with very detailed neuropharmacology of brain/soul interface very specifically relevant to a religious freedom perspective about the use of cannabis for transcendental communication?

The scientifically, esoterically, and empirically triangulated certification of religious freedom for cannabis detailed on this website is legally indisputable beyond any arbitrarily biased denial of objective credibility..

The exclusive evidence information provided on this website includes detailed reference to some very large scale ‘Act of God’ loss of life events alleged to have been intended to provide a very grave warning of impending ‘Act of God’ 10 figure body count over the existence of nuclear weapons, very graphically emphasized by some very detailed and very dramatic synchronistic evidence that the human soul is a delicate butterfly to nuclear fire.

Please note; with respect to the rhetorical complexity of the information on this website, research studies have shown very clearly that redundant attention to “high idea density” reading material can provide, in terms of mental exercise, a very effective deterrent to the pernicious encroachment of Alzheimer’s.

The following glossary of words and terms used in this website introduction is intended for any reader who may not be actively familiar with those expressions.

Amelioration: To make or become better. To improve.

Anomaly: Something that deviates from a regular rule. Irregularity.

Appreciable: Large enough to be recognized and measured.

Avatar: Person with spiritually acquired special ability who has exponent access to ‘Act of God’ events very specifically relevant to the status quo of spiritual orientation.

Commensurate: Corresponding in size, amount, or scale.

Conducive: To facilitate, lead, or contribute to a specific result.

Congenital: Existing or dating from birth. (existing at)

Contingencies: Possible events or circumstances.

Edification: Of or pertaining to a learning process.

Empirical: Knowledge gained by experience, based on observation rather than strictly theoretical.

Engender: To produce. To give rise to. To procreate.

Esoteric: Not well known. Derived from an exclusive source and considered by those who are privy to have some specific credibility. Designed for or understood only by the specially initiated. Private, secret.

Existentialist: Philosophy that stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions. Extrapolating the potential benefits of existing as opposed to the possibility of not existing.

Exponent: Interpreter, advocate, or champion.

Extrapolation: To infer or estimate by projecting or extending known information. Infer a value from known value.

Gumshoe: Detective as in the work of a private detective.

Holographic: Of or pertaining to a three dimensional image, a standing wave form of motionless photons (hologram) produced by an interference pattern of light – as in laser light.

Impending: Something about to occur.

Inordinate: Exceeding reasonable limits. Immoderate.

Neuropharmacology: That branch of medical science that deals with the chemistry of the brain and the effect of drugs thereof.

Neurotransmitter: Chemical substance that facilitates the synaptic transmission of nerve impulses in the brain.

Neurotransmitter Analog: Chemical substance that has a structure/activity relationship ‘analogous’ to central nervous system neurotransmitters, such as THC in cannabis.

Objective: Existing outside and independent of the mind. Dealing with facts without distortion by personal feelings or prejudices. An aim, goal or end of action.

Oscillation: Movement back and forth between two points.

Parameters: Boundaries by which specific value can be attributed to specific characteristics.

Pervasively: Widespread. To penetrate or spread through every part of something as in geographical locations.

Phenomena: Plural of observable event as in outward sign of something.

Plethora: Excess: overabundance. A large amount of.

Propensity: Capacity to perform. An intense natural inclination or preference.

Providential: Of or caused by divine providence. Act of God. Occurring as if through divine intervention.

Psychedelics: Chemicals found in plants or by laboratory synthesis that have profound psychoactive properties impossible to fully comprehend outside the extremely unique reality of that ‘mind manifesting’ experience.

Quadrature: Four element or four part structure.

Quadratura Circuli: Term used in a 1938 interview with a high ranking Lamaic priest to refer to the mechanism of spiritual illumination in actualized form.

Redundantly: Something that happens or is done repeatedly.

Resonance: Path of elliptical electron orbits that produces resonant vibrations. See ‘electron spin resonance’ in neuropharmacology content of website format.

Siddhis: Term used in Hindu Sutras to refer to the supra-normal abilities that can be acquired in conjunction with spiritual illumination. Avatar author of Hindu Sutras is reputed to have possessed the ‘siddhis’ of telepathy, healing powers, and the physical strength of Biblical Samson.

Subliminal: Below the threshold of conscious perception.

Synchronicity: Term invented by famous ‘archetype’ psychologist Carl Jung to represent two or more events that occur within the approximate or same time frame with no obvious causal connection, but with the appearance of meaningful correlation.

Transcendental: Above or beyond the ordinary or mundane realities of human experience. Communication or experience of a spiritual nature.

Veracity: Truthfulness. Conformity with fact.

The information on this website provides a very detailed comprehensive overview of the ‘mechanism’ of spiritual illumination that is compatible with universal themes of spiritual evolution. It is the product of many years of research analysis and corresponding empirical edification. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the literal format of this website is strictly prohibited.The proceeds from this website will be directed collaterally to the gumshoe work necessary to validate the evidence referred to therein, the results of which will be posted to this website as that investigation progresses.

The term ‘siddhis’ is used in the Hindu Sutras to refer to the supra-normal abilities that can be acquired in the advance stages of spiritual illumination. The Avatar written Sutras specifically state that dormant siddhis can be activated with ganja, which is a highly concentrated form of cannabis, thus providing an Avatar certification that dormant siddhis can be activated with a neurotransmitter analog.
The only way for cannabis to activate dormant siddhis is for the neuropharmacology of cannabis to have access to the same ‘mechanism’ that comes into play with spiritual illumination. Thus it has been a little-known but very well established fact on this planet for 2400 years that cannabis is conducive to spiritual illumination.

The primary reason the most noteworthy exponents of the Sutras do not focus any specific attention on that content of the Sutras is because dormant siddhis are extremely rare. The Hindu Sutras are the only source of spiritual ideology written by an Avatar in his own hand that are still available in the exact form he recorded by his own hand, so there is no dispute about the literal context of that singularly unique Avatar source of communication.

Neurotransmitter Analog: Chemical substance that has a structure/activity relationship ‘analogous’ to CNS (central nervous system) neurotransmitters.Spiritual illumination may be generally defined as a state of being that develops from the activation of a dormant autonomic propensity for the psychic integration of genetically grounded archetypal patterns with the (pineal feedback) soul consciousness template for them.

Qualification Summary: The website format references to the ‘mechanism’ of spiritual illumination functioning as an integral aspect of an extremely sophisticated camera are very specific to the relationship between a quadrature component of the spiritual matrix and the ‘RNA shutter mechanism’ means by which holographic images are imprinted in that ‘quadratura circuli’ hard drive component – from the electron spin resonance patterns generated by the vibratory oscillation of the RNA shutter mechanism embedded in the membrane of neurotransmitter receptor sites.* And as it appears there was some spiritual influence involved with the circumstances by which that neuropharmacology framework was extracted from the source material, that element of providential influence may be construed to have certified the scientific criteria for some very obvious correlations between several different sources of esoteric scripture relevant to the use of cannabis as a medium for transcendental communication. (One of those sources of esoteric scripture includes some notoriously cryptic content of Biblical Ezekiel that this website author is the first to accurately decipher, which links very detailed brain/soul interface neuropharmacology to 3 other very important sources of esoteric scripture.) The author’s website format examples of that cannabis medium for transcendental communication includes reference to the author’s use of cannabis to get hurricane Hugo turned away from ‘The Cove’ restaurant in 1989, thus providing an incontestable third angle to a scientifically, esoterically, and empirically triangulated certification of a constitutional religious freedom issue for possession of cannabis anywhere on American soil. (Website format examples include witnessed supernatural manifestations and ‘Act of God’ loss of life events corresponding to the author’s verbal and written pronouncements.)

[*Regarding potential neuroscience expert discredit to any pineal functioning alleged to be much more complicated than the origin of melatonin, the reader should think in terms of Paramatma dimension telemetry/pineal blossom dockage associated with soul transmigration that may be quite logically inferred to be much more complicated than any such qualifications derived from conventional spiritualist ideology. The term ‘Paramatma’ is used in the Hindu Sutras to refer to the multilevel stratification of the spiritual dimensions. The term ‘pineal feedback’ obviously not intended to be equated with cellular dynamics beyond the exact form of the attachment ‘dockage’ – to be more specifically clarified in central website format.]

The website format (following 104 word glossary) begins with a somewhat detailed analysis of the Muslim Quran preceding a veritable plethora of evidence information very specifically associated with the author’s ‘dormant siddhis’ experience with cannabis induced transcendental communication that could easily develop into a very effective deterrent to the motivation for terrorist atrocities, and perhaps even some ‘Act of God’ loss of life events specifically targeting their infrastructure. Some of the information on this website may not be readily comprehensible to some readers without a careful analysis of the relationship between a unique pattern of synchronistic events and the underlying moral responsibility to seek the truth, which may be inferred to be the most important responsibility we have to the source of our existence, evidenced in the element of mystery involved with the cultural development of human spirituality.

Aspects of website information that are exclusive to this website.

Author is first to decipher notoriously cryptic content of Biblical Ezekiel very important to the total puzzle of human spirituality that corresponds to several other esoteric sources about the modus operandi of spiritual illumination.

Author is only person known to have experienced a direct manifestation of the Krishna Deity the very first time in a Krishna Temple*, which occurred about two hours after a dramatic synchronistic manifestation witnessed by the Temple Master and his wife, eventually revealed to have presaged** the 8 figure body count of the AIDS disease. (*much to radiant and spiritually pure to have been a hallucination.)

Author is only living person with a certifiable track record for dramatic changes in the weather via botanically induced transcendental communication.

The indisputable scientific, esoteric, and empirical triangulation certification of constitutional religious freedom for cannabis is exclusive to this website. (**specifically relevant to avoiding ‘Act of God’ 10 figure body count over existence of nuclear weapons.)

Never before in earth history has there been such profoundly moral criteria for the collective attention of the human species to be directed to very detailed information about the material dynamics of spiritual illumination associated with very explicit synchronistic evidence* that the human soul is a delicate butterfly to nuclear fire. That oblivion forever reality of nuclear weapons is remedially addressed by the ‘intervention plan’ first stage of this website directing worldwide attention to the scientifically, esoterically, and empirically triangulated certification that cannabis is conducive to spiritual illumination, and thus intended to engender the amelioration of individual moral conscience at the level of global panacea with respect to the abject existentialist sickness of nuclear weapons. (*adequate comprehension of synchronistic evidence requiring acceptance of subliminal providential manipulation behind the creative source of professional film production.)

Regarding the developmental source of nuclear weapon mental pathology, Harry Truman was an unconscionably obtuse moral degenerate not qualified even to be mayor of a small town, much less an American president. Anyone who objects to that assessment of Truman’s character would do well to examine chapter 4 of The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick to avoid identification with Truman’s little-known deathbed hysterics about his inevitable path into perdition. Evidently that 638 page testament by Stone and Kuznick (including must read introduction) is the product of a very meticulously detailed analysis of contemporary American history, thereby providing an extremely lurid illustration of the fact that the track record of American foreign policy (and some very crucial domestic issues) has had much less to do with the ‘In God We Trust’ motto than most Americans would like to believe.

The following is a part of a letter to the Florida Governor that provided the beginning of a 30 page file mailed to the Governor’s office in 10/20/20.

Governor Desantis:
This communication is worthy of your attention because it contains reference to some very detailed evidence information supporting the possibility of some providential orchestration behind the ‘China Virus’ pandemic relevant to a very explicit precedent for it involving my website format reference to “…..the Chinese Table of Correspondences that associates the incidence of disease with a direction of the wind” that was in my website format long before the pandemic developed. The enclosed copy of a four page hand printed summary of events comprising that very explicit precedent for the ‘China Virus’ pandemic appears to have been somewhat marginally confirmed by a very strong deja vu about that ‘China Virus’ precedent.
That blatantly alarming expression of the transcendental communication medium of dreams occurred in the last week of March 2020 and involved my viewing of a CNN news report about President Trump referring to Covid-19 as the ‘China Virus’ simultaneously with my reading the paragraph first line ‘He knew it was a nightmare, but he could not wake up’ from page 377 of ‘The Key to Rebecca’ by Ken Follett. It should be obvious that if I had intended to make up something to corroborate that very explicit precedent for the development of the pandemic I would have contrived something much less ambiguous and much more conclusive than a Deja Vu. You should take note of the fact with respect to the veracity of the foregoing Deja Vu testament and enclosed website format examples that anyone within the approximate one hundred yard radius of my telepathic emanations with the use of mescaline would be very much aware of the fact that I cannot lie in that state of consciousness.

At the risk of attracting an emphatically challenged imposition of gubernatorial authority I am somewhat compelled to assert that the choice to ignore the enclosed evidence information samples in favor of the convenient assumption that I am susceptible to delusional extrapolations of coincidence may precipitate a much higher body count that could have otherwise been avoided by the absence of that negligence. The enclosed copy of my 9/20/19 letter to Dr. Ramirez and single page ‘Poltergeist’ synopsis also composed for submission to Dr. Ramirez are intended to illustrate the evaluation competence limitations that I have been subject to in Florida DCF custody since early 2002.

………………………The enclosed copy of my website format beginning with an ‘open letter’ to the President contains reference to an easily verifiable example of my access to transcendental communication evidence with the use of cannabis supporting the factual basis of the phenomena at issue with the aforesaid potential liability. The enclosed evidence information samples are part of a very detailed website format expected to be available online shortly after the transition of power in the White House. If it is determined that my ‘intervention plan’ is necessary to avoid an ‘Act of God’ ten figure body count over the existence of nuclear weapons, it would be my intent to limit my role in that extremely grave agenda exclusively to a behind the scenes liaison function, for me to avoid cameras completely and allow the professional politicians and media professionals to handle the front street implementation.

With regard to the limitations of my access to supernatural phenomena;
I am not the dealer. I can only play the cards I am dealt, the most dominant theme of which appears to be focused on the transcendental contingencies associated with a global panacea of botanically facilitated spiritual illumination.

The reader should note here with respect to my introduction definition of the term ‘Avatar’, that it is certainly not my intention to sell the idea that my current life performance has been commensurate in any way with the faultless persona of an exalted holy man.

Beyond the obvious revenue objective, one of the primary goals of this website is to convince political leaders worldwide that the human soul is a provable reality that contains the hard drive for an extremely sophisticated (RNA shutter mechanism) camera in the receptor matrix of the brain.

The conventional e-mail/password transaction necessary to open the website requires a small fee of $12.00 intended to provide open-ended access to exclusive website information for as long as the website is active online. That conventional e-mail address/password access provision to open the website will also provide open-ended access free of charge to ‘The Investigation’ part of the website that begins (for emphasis to that effect) with this ‘Introduction’ preceding part of a letter to the Florida Governor dated 10/20/20 that involved a detailed reference to a very explicit precedent in the website format for the development of the Covid Pandemic, somewhat marginally confirmed by a rather intense Deja Vu about that ‘China Virus’ precedent.

In clarification to this website introduction the reader should note that the scientific rationale for the nature of Deja Vu experience does not apply to me because I have been absolutely certain since my early twenties that my existence is not dependent on the life of my current body.

It is intended for attention to be directed to the website by social media entries such as:

The scientifically, esoterically, and empirically triangulated certification of religious freedom for cannabis at Bloodmoonsign.com is legally indisputable to anyone not afflicted with an arbitrarily biased perspective.

Very detailed neuropharmacology of brain/soul interface very specifically relevant to the use of cannabis for transcendental communication is available at Bloodmoonsign.com.

Want to know what you see with when you are dreaming?…….and what that has to do with religious freedom for cannabis? Check out Bloodmoonsign.com.

A very comprehensive spiritual ideology overview very specifically relevant to synchronistic confirmation that the human soul is a delicate butterfly to nuclear fire is available at Bloodmoonsign.com.

"Natural fear of death may be completely eliminated by careful examination of all the evidence information available at Bloodmoonsign.com."

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